Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger (House of Smiths) Be sure to check out their blog!
Now that Summer is in full swing, it's time for swimming, BBQ's and lots of fun outdoor activities.
I don't know about you, but we host more than just a few cookouts at our home with friends and family during the hot Summer months. Usually the main dish is light and fresh, so heavy desserts don't really fit into the mix, but a chilled, creamy strawberry cooler is perfect! It's a recipe that was handed down to me by a family friend and something we've come to love in our family, so I thought I'd share it with all of you!
The entire recipe is included below, but here are a few shots of the steps, so that you can get an idea of how easy and quick this dessert or sweet, after swimming treat really is!
You'll need a blender, a container of strawberries, a pint (plus a bit more) of sour cream, some sugar and ice. Cut the tops off the strawberries and rinse them well. Puree the berries in the blender, so they're a smooth consistency.