
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

When You Crave a Clean Home But Can’t Get Started From Jackie

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger Jackie Be sure to check out their blog!

I never felt my home was clean enough to have a cleaning routine. I know that sounds backwards, but I didn’t know how to get started. I thought I had to get it all clean first, like immaculate, then I would start a routine. I realize that’s like waiting until New Year’s to start eating healthy, but I couldn’t shake this feeling that I needed to do a big cleaning marathon or hire a cleaning service before I could start cleaning regularly.

Then I stumbled on Becky’s CleanMama instagram feed. Her simple daily reminders invited me to clean with a gentle nudge and no judgement. I started doing the weekly chores Becky recommended, like floor washing, dusting, or washing sheets and towels. Before I knew it my home was cleaner. Doing the weekly task often led to tackling other tasks while I was at it.

Slowly I was able to add in the four daily tasks. That’s when I started experimenting with mixing work and cleaning into one super-productive day. All of a sudden I was following, and enjoying, a cleaning routine. Turns out the best way to start a cleaning routine isn’t with a clean house, it’s by actually cleaning.

Last week I interviewed Becky for School of Decorating. My house felt cleaner just talking about cleaning with Becky. She’s so friendly and encouraging. She’s done it all from cleaning as a single working woman to stay-at-home mom to work-at-home mom and her cleaning routine has survived it all. You can learn all her amazing cleaning tips at

Great cleaning tips in this interview with Becky from

Every month I share a new expert interview for School of Decorating members. This month I’d like to invite you to join us for Becky’s interview. You can watch the entire interview for free here.

Psst…School of Decorating admissions will be opening again soon. Sign up at the bottom of this page to learn more.

Great cleaning tips in this interview with Becky from


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