
Friday, June 12, 2015

Something from Nothing + Best of The Web By: Sabrina Smelko


As I browsed the web this week, I couldn’t help but be reminded of one of my favorite books as a child, Phoebe Gilman’s Something From Nothing, a fictional classic somewhat similar to the modern-day One Red Paperclip. I found myself shaking my head with disbelief and amazement at the endless possibilities and opportunities there are to make something from nothing in an effort to better your life and/or the world around you. We live in an age where you can buy a travel-friendly living essentials kit (pictured above), build a house in the trees from free lumber you find at the side of the road, and one where you can practically invent your own career thanks to the internet. It really is the age of ‘anything is possible’ where you can build something from practically nothing, so on that note, Happy Friday and cheers to an inspired weekend!

Below is a summary of this week’s highlights from D*S and around the web:



via Design*Sponge From Sabrina Smelko

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