
Friday, May 8, 2015

Tattoorary Delft Blue + Floral Temporary Tattoos By: Grace Bonney

I’ve found that tattoos are one of the more divisive personal design elements I’ve come across. I personally love them (a good chunk of our team has them, too) and I am always planning my next, but I understand that they’re not for everyone. I think one reason (though certainly not the only one) that people shy away from tattoos is the whole “forever” factor. But with the rise in beautiful temporary tattoos from companies like Tattly, I think people are becoming more open minded about tattoos in general — or are at least experimenting with them. One of my favorite trends in temporary tattoos is the move toward historic or more classical imagery. I love an antique botanical, so these new styles from Tattoorary on Etsy are right up my alley (Thanks to Tattoorary for sharing them in #DSBlues!). They turn traditional floral and Delft Blue imagery into stunning temporary tattoos that you can apply for a fun night out or use to impress your fellow decorative arts majors while you study history in class. Whether you’re trying to test out for future permanent tattoos or just want to have some fun, click here to check them out online. xo, grace


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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