
Friday, May 15, 2015

For Old Times’ Sake, Osxnasozi + Best of The Web By: Sabrina Smelko


Ah, how time flies — has there ever been a truer expression? This week showed me a contrast in life and lifestyle from only as far back as 100 years to where we are today. I spent my week juggling two laptops and an iPhone on one hand, and wielding a shovel, knee-high in dirt, building a fence by hand on the other. It made me realize how much work goes into making the things we use, be it a fence or a blanket. As my iPhone ran out of battery and I spent precious time backing up my laptop, I found myself appreciating the slow, old way of doing and making. The craft is most definitely not lost on me this week as I daydream of this gorgeous eyelet indigo throw blanket from Osxnasozi, both in appreciation of the hand-stitching and hand-dyeing, and simply because I’d like to crawl up into it right about now after this hectic week. So bear with my nostalgia of the old and join me in paying tribute to the past with this week’s roundup! —Sabrina

Below is a summary of this week’s highlights from DS and around the web:






via Design*Sponge From Sabrina Smelko

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