
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Before & After: Jenny’s Kitchen Makeover By: Grace Bonney

Before & After: Jenny’s Kitchen Makeover

Unless you’re a millionaire, buying a home usually means compromising in one area to get something you want in another. When Jenny Haas and her husband Will were looking for homes, Will fell in love with a home that needed some major work, but had a lot of character. Jenny said she was willing to go for it (tackling renovations while pregnant is no joke) as long as he was willing to start on the kitchen first. So after they moved in, Will worked on creating the family’s dream kitchen. After a few months (and many microwaved breakfasts of pop tarts and oatmeal), Jenny and Will now have their dream kitchen and a brighter, more open space where they can cook and entertain. Their open shelves are the sort of airy, organizational style I love, so this one is going in my favorites for sure. Click through to see the full transformation! xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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