
Friday, March 20, 2015

Home Ec: Waste Not, Want Not By: Grace Bonney

Home Ec: Waste Not, Want Not

No matter where you live and what your budget is, cutting down on waste and saving a buck or two is always a good idea. Until this year, I’ve never had much space to manage on my own, but now that Julia and I are learning what it takes to clean, run and heat a home, we’re learning to be smarter and more efficient with our spending and planning. So for this week’s Home Ec post, I thought I’d share some tips that will help you reuse things you already have and save money, resources and time around the house. I’m still playing catch-up myself on ways to save around the house, so if you have any ideas and tips you swear by for wasting less and saving more, please share them in the comment section below. I’m sure we could all benefit from our collective advice and experience. xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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