
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hyllis Working/Dining Table By: Irman

Hyllis Working/Dining Table

Materials: LINNMON table top, HYLLIS shelving unit x 2, BOSSE bar stool x 2

I had an extra Linnmon table top from the office that I brought home, and wanted to transform it into a working countertop where we can eat at and do work standing up plus had some space for extra storage underneath. Had a couple of older Hyllis shelves, and after measuring I figured out the height would be just nice for the job.

Tools needed: Sheet iron tin snips, electric drill.

Use a 250mm tin snip, smaller than that you’re going to have trouble cutting the Hyllis. I tried it with a metal saw but was just too time consuming. Why I mentioned the older Hyllis shelf was that Ikea recently updated their Hyllis shelves, and made them more sturdier with extra folds on the sides, which made them harder to cut. The older ones where just plain 1mm sheet metal, and easy to cut with tin snips.

Assemble the Hyllis as per usual, except for the top shelf. Cut the pieces that holds all the shelves together just where the second from top shelf is. I drilled extra holes just below this second shelf, to add extra storage space using the unused top shelf.

Hyllis Working/Dining Table

Hyllis Working/Dining Table

After that it was just a matter of drilling 3 holes what is now the top shelf of the Hyllis onto the bottom of the Linnmon table top, and screwed them together. Repeat for the other Hyllis.

Took less than an hour, and you’ll end up with a nice standing-height table with storage space in the bottom. Fill up this storage space to further stabilize the table.

The Bosse bar stool fits in nicely underneath. For ours I basically stained using Antique Pine stain, and re-sanded it down again bit by bit to get that aged look.

The post Hyllis Working/Dining Table appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From Irman

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