
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Inspiring + Educational Clips at Milq By: Grace Bonney


The world of podcasting has seen a huge surge in popularity lately, and while the reasons are still being debated, I’m just happy to know that the creative community is equally interested in audio and images. I’ve been hosting my radio show, After the Jump , for over two years now and as I round the home stretch toward my 100th episode, I’m excited to find new ways to organize and share the inspiring people and interviews I’ve had the honor of recording.

In the same way that Pinterest has provided people with an easy way to group themed images together, there is an exciting new site called Milq that aims to provide that same sort of themed grouping for audio and video clips. I’ve been devouring their sections dedicated to great impressions on tv and film and the queens of comedy, but I also love their feeds dedicated to art & design.

I decided to sort through the 94 shows I’ve done so far on After the Jump and organize them into “beads” (Milq’s version of “boards”) about Women in Art & Design and Work/Life Issues in the Creative Community .

I have 40+ audio interviews in my Women in Art & Design category so far, with talented women like Genevieve Gorder, Jen Bekman, Francis Palmer, Tina Shoulders and Maira Kalman. I love being able to look at all of these incredible people together in one place and hear all of their different stories. From issues of inclusiveness in design and struggles with being a working mom to learning a new language and opening a business in another country, their advice and personal stories are inspiring and definitely worth listening to. You can check out all of their clips right here.

For my business/life issue section on Milq , I chose my 15 favorite shows on tackling professional issues. Whether the topic is finding your voice online and embracing social media, raising the bar for your business, or better tools for productivity, these clips are great for commuting or keeping you busy in your office or studio. The topics are universal across all work communities and I hope these bits of advice will help all of you get through some of the biggest hurdles we all face as business owners or working creatives. xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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