
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Day In The Life of Lela Rose By: Grace Bonney


I always feel a special kinship to anyone that was raised in the south. Whether or not I know them, I always imagine we’d be good friends – or at least get along – at some point. In my dream world some of those amazing southern women I’d love to meet, and then become best best friends with, are Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Garner and fashion designer Lela Rose . Lela is someone whose name seems to pop up a lot in my life. Not because I’m lucky enough to know her, but because we’re frequently referencing her style and latest collections as examples of things we love and want to try at home.

Lela’s clothing always has a softness and elegance to it that’s balanced out by a true love of color. (This citron-colored dress will always be a favorite of mine.) When I’m not following her work online, I’m reading stories about her beautiful home and hoping to one day see her legendary dining table (Lela is known to throw one heck of a fun party) that descends from the ceiling. Yep, it descends from the ceiling . So we asked Lela if she’d be so kind as to share a few glimpses into her busy daily life and, thankfully, she said “yes!”! From mornings with her dog Bobbin (a perfect name for a dog in fashion) to afternoons at the studio surrounded by fabric and beading, Lela’s day is full of inspiration and plenty of time with her family. I love getting to see how she finds both new ideas and time to relax in a busy city like New York. Thanks so much to Lela for sharing her day with us! xo, grace

All photos courtesy of Lela Rose

730pm copy 1Sketches[7] 2FallLela[7] 5Lelastudio[3] 1230

Click through for a peek at Lela’s day in her own words after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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