
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10 Things I’ve Learned About Life from Blogging By: Grace Bonney


I don’t know if it’s the impending cold weather or some changes that are about to happen in my personal life (more on that soon), but I’ve found myself reflecting on the lessons I’ve learned over the past few years. The blogging generation often gets a bad rap for being too focused on trends and topics that lack substance and depth, but I’ve found that the moments I’ve spent with my online colleagues over the past year have proved to be some of the most meaningful and real. Learning about real life from the Internet can be an odd thing (it often feels like learning about real life from TV or a movie) but it’s no less valid and helpful than lessons learned face-to-face. So today I decided to take a second to step back and look at the ways this incredible platform, blogging, has taught me lessons about real life. From learning to listen more and write less to trusting my gut and finding that patience isn’t everything, the life lessons I’ve learned from blogging are universal and will inform the way I live for years to come. I’m curious to know if these are things you all have learned from running your blogs, too? Or perhaps there are different lessons that I haven’t touched on here. I’m always fascinated to hear how working in this vast and varied community of ours has shaped people’s lives outside of the screen. If you have a moment to share your stories, I’d love to hear what your experiences have been. xo, grace

Click through for the full post after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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