
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Your Favorite Biz Ladies Posts By: Grace Bonney


When people ask me what I enjoy most about my job, the first thing that comes to mind is the community that’s sprung up around our Biz Ladies series. From the first women I met in Brooklyn who inspired me to create the series to the hundreds of women I met in person when we took the series across the country in 2008 to the many friends, colleagues and collaborators we’ve met through the online column, this area of the site has been one of the most rewarding of all. I’m always inspired by the people who share their stories with us and open up about what they’ve learned from good (and bad) moments in their careers. But I’m most excited by reading your reactions to posts and by hearing the personal stories you’ve all shared with us in comment sections and on social media through the years. So today I wanted to share the posts that have been the most popular over the last few years. These are the posts you’ve commented on the most, returned to and continue to share over time. I hope they’ll be inspiring or helpful to get some last-minute summer business planning going or set you off on the right path for a successful fall! xo, grace

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Click through for all 10 posts after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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