
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Less Is More: Playing the Long Game By: Grace Bonney

Design*Sponge Less is More

Last week we kicked off our summer essay series with a question that can be sometimes be uncomfortable to discuss: What do you splurge on? In a time when budgets are tight, talking about spending isn’t always the easiest or must upbeat subject to discuss. But it’s a topic that’s been on my mind because of comments and discussions I’ve seen online lately.

One of the hardest things to balance in our community is our love of handmade high-quality work with our desire for lower price points. And while I understand and share the hope that everything can be in my personal budget range, I also have spent enough time listening to the needs of independent designers to understand why their work doesn’t always fall in that budget. The cost of raw materials, ethical labor and quality control are high and that means that if I want to continue to fill my home with things that matter to me and are produced in a way that support all hands involved fairly, I may not be able to buy everything I want when I want. (The Of a Kind and Lizzie Fortunato girls explained this indie/budget issue brilliantly on air this year).

So for me, filling my home with things I love is a slow, steady and deliberate process. I find that slowness is something that both defines and refines my aesthetic over time and allows me to make decisions that are based more on long-term happiness than short-term gratification.

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Read through for the full post after the jump…


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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