
Friday, August 22, 2014

Back to School 2014 From (House of Smiths)

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger (House of Smiths) Be sure to check out their blog! I can't help it, I just have to share a few more of our fast and furious back to school pics that I snapped before we bolted out of the door on Wednesday morning.

I'll tell you what, a full-time job outside the home, Summer craziness and now an 8:00am school call time... is just about setting me into crazy mode.

I'm in bed by 9:00pm, and usually passed out by 9:15pm.

I'm already tired and it's only the third day of school. Anyone with me?


These girls are so amazing.

I was crazy worried about them, but come to find out, they are doing GREAT so far! Aubrielle got a little weepy this morning and said school makes her tired... which I assume all kiddos go through when transitioning from half day to all day school.

The twins love being in different classes too - who knew!? I definitely thought that would be harder then it turned out to be; so here's praying that the rest of this year goes as smoothly as the first 3 days


Hope all of your kiddos are loving school, or getting pumped to go back soon!


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