
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

We’re Hiring: DIY Interns By: Grace Bonney


After 10 years of running Design*Sponge, there’s one thing I’ve learned: DIY projects are not my strongest skill. I’ve been trying bring this pressed flower idea I’ve had in my head to life for the past two weeks and I keep producing results that are better suited for #nailedit than DS. I’m in the process of teaching myself a wide range of DIY skills so I can do things on my own, but I came to the realization that I need some help. Max, Amy and I have a billion ideas, but need someone who can help us find talented makers, crafters and bloggers to bring these ideas to life. So we’re looking for an editorial DIY Intern (this is a paid position). What does that mean? It means you don’t have to be crafty yourself- you just need to have a passionate, near obsessive, love of DIY blogs, books and makers. We’re looking for someone who can connect us with talented people to share projects with us here at DS. So if you’re someone who pins, likes and retweets DIY projects as much as we do, come join us! You don’t need to live in NY- or even the US!- you just need to have one hour a day to help us brainstorm, research and connect with the best up-and-coming DIY-ers, makers and artists. Think you’re the right fit? Email us right here (please make the subject of your email “DIY INTERN”) with: your resume, a link to your blog or any online pages you have, a link to 3 DIY projects you think are our style (not from DS) and 3 blogs you think are great up-and-coming DIY-ers! We’ll choose our favorites next week and follow up for interviews! Thanks so much- we’re so excited to find a new member of our team. xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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