
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Cat Tree with Ikea Lack ! By: Julie


You need:

4 Ikea Lack tables

12 brackets chair, 24 screws

A screwdriver

Twine for cat tree (I used Sisal)

Ikea Mat Bathroom



Overlap and secure 3 tables of 4, using brackets chair and screws.

Use the 4th tray table to make the base of the tree.

After that, wrap the Sisal twine around the feet of the table. You can attach it with glue, tacks or just as I did: making nodes (easier in case you want to remove and replace it).

I use the mat bathroom to make the tree more comfortable. I cut it in half, I put the bias with my sewing machine so that it doesn’t fray.

That’s it !

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You can find more pics here.

Hope it will be useful ;)

Julie aka Princesse Guerrière

via IKEA Hackers From Julie

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