
Friday, April 11, 2014

After the Jump: Choosing Words Wisely By: Grace Bonney

Design*Sponge After the Jump: Choosing Your Words Wisely

This week’s radio show is about a topic that is currently very near and dear to my heart: the importance of choosing your words wisely. Since the beginning of my blogging life, I’ve made more mistakes and learned more lessons than I could possibly share in one show, but so many of them boil down to a simple piece of advice given to us by our parents long below: It’s always good to think before you speak.

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In this week’s show I’m discussing the reasons it’s important to follow that age-old advice, both professionally and personally, and then will break down the ways you can learn to choose words more wisely and how you can help others understand to do the same. Words have the power to inform, educate, hurt and heal- and so often we have the power to choose the right ones if we just take a moment to think careful. That brief pause can make the difference between a building relationship, forging a connection, or taking an opportunity for growth- both personally and professionally.

In this episode I’ll share the very personal reason this issue is on my mind lately, as well as wise words from fellow bloggers and designers like Erin Loechner, Victoria Smith, Jen Hill and others. I wanted to fit so much more into this show than I was able to, so stay tuned for a future episode where a panel will discuss these issues in greater detail. Thanks so much for listening and to everyone who took time to share their stories with me. xo, grace

Today’s show will cover:

  • Why it’s important to choose words wisely (professionally and personally)

  • Advice from business owners and bloggers about how to (and not to) use words with intention

  • Tips for learning to experience someone else’s feelings/thoughts from their perspective to lead to greater compromise

  • Resources for continuing this work at home, from books and writers to inspiring quotations

LISTEN: You can download the podcast on iTunes here, or stream it here on Heritage Radio

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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