
Monday, March 24, 2014

Night standing Desk By: sidrummerboy

5 - Finished

I needed a space that would fit next to my bed and act as a sort of night stand, yet also allow me to have lots of storage for misc things and hold my Dual Monitor computer. I had a Coffee table that I made from Wood Pallets and stained But that wasn’t cutting it.

Items Used:

One Expedit 2×4; Two Expedit 1×1; 1 Lack Sofa Table; Jules Jr Desk Chair; Marius Stool

1 - Before

I first came across the Lack Sofa Table which fit perfectly between my bed and my closet space and wasn’t too high. But allowed me to store my tools, Custom Ikea stool (made from the bottom of a Jules Jr Desk Chair & Marius stool) and misc things under it. Along with my iMac and Speakers just high enough that I could access the keyboard when walking up with out leaning over too much, like a standing desk.

2- Phase 1


However it wasn’t sturdy enough to really support my dual monitors and pc setup, plus it was still a little low for my tastes. I originally looked at the expedit 1×5 but that was too long. I didn’t want to have to cut it and deal with that whole mess (more work then I wanted to put in) so I decided to get a 2×4 Expedit along with two Expedit 1×1′s. Swap the end pieces giving me Two 1×4′s which fit almost perfectly on top of the Lack Coffee Table providing great weight distribution for my iMac, Second display and studio speakers. The second 1×4 fit perfectly as upper storage for my closet area. The access pieces I took and made two 1×2 benches for my music room to double as storage and a seat bench to play guitars on. I now have a GREAT nightstand, standing desk, storage space all in one.

3 - Assembly

4 - Assembled

5 - Finished

via IKEA Hackers From sidrummerboy

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