
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Halloween Entryway Decor From House of Smiths

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger House of Smiths Be sure to check out their blog!
Sorry for the delay in posting, I know I promised some more Halloween decor reveals yesterday, but well, things just got busy...

Have I ever mentioned how Fall and Spring are my all-time favorite seasons of the year? Yeah... sitting in front of a computer sometimes gets in the way of me enjoying that with my crew.

Speaking of "my people", I got busted recording this little bird yesterday, singing her heart out. Just in case you didn't catch it on our Instagram feed... see below

Man I love that girl. She's been so patient with me and Cason as we've moved from one area of the house to another, finishing up projects and trying to get everything ready for the holidays. She even helped me shoot a few of these pictures, to show all of you our Halloween entryway decorations! I use a tripod and clicker, so it wasn't too technical, but she still loved pushing the button :)


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