
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cami Strong + Cure the Kids From (House of Smiths)

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger (House of Smiths) Be sure to check out their blog! CANCER BLOWS! You can't really prevent it, you definitely can't stop it altogether, and not only does it take lives and cause the most horrific heartache, but it sucks the victim, and most times their families, completely dry; emotions, time AND money. Did I mention that CANCER SUCKS!?

Okay, there, I just had to get that out of the way because there's no good phrase or sentence for me to use to start this post. And to be honest, when I'm about to get emotional, I turn towards being angry, instead of just being sad... I'm sure that says something about me. lol.

A few weeks ago I was laying in bed flipping through my Instagram feed, when I came across this:

Do you remember Cami's story from our polka dot skirt post/fundraiser in April? and how this sweet little girl was diagnosed with leukemia when she was about 4 years old, and then beat it!? So her wonderful Mom set up a shopping site that sold goods, where a big portion of the proceeds went straight to helping children with cancer? Well... as you can read from the update above, Cami has relapsed and is now fighting for her life a second time.

I had the pleasure of meeting Chelsea, Cami's mom this last year when she popped into a garage sale I was hosting to say hello, and just from the few minutes we were together, I could tell that she was one of the sweetest, strongest women I'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. The interview below, with Cami and her parents that was featured on channel 2, tells the full story about Cami's latest fight.

Want to know what's probably worse than watching someone you love more than anything, suffer all of the trials, pains and afflictions of cancer?...

Having to go through it for a second time.


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