
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Eleanor Ambos Interiors By: Grace Bonney

Every now and then I’m reminded of just how powerful video can be in the world of interiors. Sometimes stills and words can’t do justice to the moving, breathing story of someone’s incredible life. I felt this so strongly when watching this video about the life and work of Eleanor Ambos on Aeon Video earlier this week.

Originally from Germany, Eleanor Ambos moved to New York from Germany when she was only 20 years old. Now 86, she’s growing her interior design business and managing an impressive collection of buildings she owns, despite losing her eyesight to macular degeneration.

I first watched her video through a link on my friend Becca Kallem‘s Facebook page, and have been digging for more information on Eleanor ever since. Her life and work is the subject of a documentary made by Nomadique but there’s also an excellent extended video about her work and her amazing buildings (you have to see the furniture she restores!) here at Aeon Video. That video isn’t embeddable so please click here to watch it.

The team at Nomadique sums it best on their Vimeo page where they say, “…with no immediate family besides a dog who rarely leaves her side, the fiercely independent Ambos still approaches her life with humor, but also with the nagging knowledge that her body is a structure she’ll never completely restore.” Her story is slightly bittersweet, but still inspires me endlessly to pursue the things I love and to make the most of any situation we come across. If you’ve got a few minutes to watch this video today, please do. Whether you’re excited by the furniture she’s restoring (the 4-poster bed is incredible), her maze of a furniture warehouse building in NYC or just want to know more about her as a person, it’s a video you won’t soon forget. xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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