
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Easy Planters from FNISS Trash Baskets By: chelseapowers

Hello, Hackers!  I’ve been reading for a long time and was finally inspired to hack something.

While waiting in line to pay yesterday, I noticed the FNISS Trash Baskets on display.  At 11″ tall and $1.99 each, I thought they’d make perfect tomato planters. This project was so fast that I didn’t get pictures of the step by step, but it’s an easy hack that takes mere minutes and is very low cost. Enjoy!

Easy Planters from FNISS Trash Baskets | IKEA Hackers


  • FNISS Trash Baskets from IKEA
  • Drill
  • Small drill bit (I used something around 9/32″, I think.  Size isn’t important as long as it’s fairly small gauge.)


  • Drill 4-6 holes in the bottom of the trash basket for drainage.
  • Fill with dirt and add your plant.


  • Go slow and be careful when you drill the drainage holes, because you can crack the plastic. Drill away from any markings in the plastic, as I noticed it tends to crack more in those areas. (Of the three I did, 1 cracked a little, 1 cracked a lot, and 1 didn’t crack at all. The one that cracked a lot got some duct tape on both the inside and outside over the largest crack and seems to be holding up just fine.)
  • To add more drainage and save on filler, you can add small rocks to the bottom before adding soil.
  • The FNISS trash baskets I purchased in-store are clear. I noticed online they are only pictured in white and black, apologies for any confusion that might cause.

The post Easy Planters from FNISS Trash Baskets appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From chelseapowers

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