
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Our Summer Plan to Keep the Girls Learning & Active From (House of Smiths)

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger (House of Smiths) Be sure to check out their blog! I don't know about you, but about a week ago I started to panic about what the heck my kiddos were going to do the entire summer.
Yes, playing together with dolls, the occasional trip to the pool, riding bikes and running through the sprinklers is great... but then what do I do after the first week is over? LOL

My kids are a lot like me, they love to have something to look forward to, so I went searching for a few things to get them involved in, and found an AWESOME little 4 day camp that I just HAD to share with my Utah peeps!

How cute and great is this idea!?
Kids can enroll from ages 5-12, and they have a half or full day option when you sign them up.
They get to:
Care for animals.
Learn about different farm crops and how they are planted and grow.
Experience real working farm equipment.
Plant pumpkins and then come back and harvest them in fall.
Help prepare and eat healthy snacks and lunches everyday... The list goes on!

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