
Friday, June 5, 2015

#DSRainbow + Best of the Web By: Grace Bonney

I cannot believe that June is already here. I’m in complete denial and find myself clutching onto spring with all of its cool temperatures and beautiful flowers like I can’t let go. But I know that the long days of summer are ahead and with all of their downs (air conditioning bills and mosquitos) there will be some wonderful ups, like hiking to waterfalls, dips in the pool, backyard badminton and getting flip flop tans that make me feel like I’m a kid again. This month not only marks the first day of summer (June 21st), it also holds my 34th birthday on the 9th (woohoo!) and the start of Pride month. Whether you’re a member of the LGBT community or an ally (thank you!), this month will be about celebrating love, equality and happiness for everyone. Part of that celebration almost always includes a rainbow or two, so I decided to make this month’s hashtag challenge: #DSRAINBOW.

We’re taking inspiration from the iconic rainbow flag to celebrate gorgeous photos of all themes that show a color change from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to violet (or any part of the spectrum)! I’ve shared some of my favorite examples above and below, but if you spot something beautiful with a rainbow-inspired feel, share it at #DSRAINBOW and we’ll share our favorites here on DS and on Instagram. xo, grace

[Images above, top to bottom: DandyFineParty, WrightKitchen, EBMNewhaven, TonyAvista]



via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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