
Thursday, June 4, 2015

BH&G Organize With This: Crates! From Jen Jones

Today's Inspiration comes from Better Homes and Garden's Style Spotters Jen Jones.

I always find it thrilling when something quite ordinary can be turned into something extraordinary. And that is no exception when it comes time to find storage solutions for around the home. In previous posts, I have shared a few of my favorite organizing solutions that are always reliable, such as credenzas and bookcases. Today I am adding another to the list; the great wooden crate!

Crate Storage Solutions

Wooden crates are readily available; whether at antique, thrift, craft or home improvement stores. They are typically quite inexpensive, and the storage possibilities are truly endless. The best part is you don’t have to have hardcore DIY skills to be able to make these amazing little gems into something quite incredible. A little stain and paint is all you need to bring these wooden boxes to life. Check out eight examples below of how crates are making a storage difference in a variety of homes and spaces.

Crate Mudroom Storage

Wooden crates make amazing wall storage because when paired together, they can create cubbies and open shelving. SImply anchor the crates to the wall and you have instant mudroom storage for pet supplies, outdoor gear, boots, shoes and even a mail station!

Laundry Room Crate Storage


But don’t stop at the entryway, think about other spaces throughout your home that could benefit from wall cubbies and shelving as well. Like the laundry closet! Crates above the washer and dryer provide easy and convenient access to your daily laundering essentials!

Create wal Office Storage


Wooden crates are the ideal size for holding decorative storage boxes, magazine files and binders, thus making them quite popular in home offices. Above, they are again wall mounted to hold daily paper necessities in a beautiful way. Bonus: They can also be placed on the floor to act as filing storage.

Crate File Boxes



Also in a home office or craft room, crates keep craft supplies on display and ready to use when the crafting mood strikes.

Crate Craft Storage


Many old vintage crates contain built-in dividers. This is always an organizational plus, as they now provide sorting options for smaller bits and pieces.

When looking to store children’s belongings, it is important to select items that will remain durable and can also be used down the road when the youngsters have grown. Once again, crates to the rescue! Adorable, kid friendly and versatile enough to switch gears at any point in time.

Crate Toy Storage


Add casters to the bottom of wooden crates to create “drawers” that pull out from under furniture. This keeps toys and child clutter tucked away between uses, yet provides floor level access at play and pick-up time. Bonus: these roll-out crate drawers also work great on the floor of pantries for storing vegetables, paper products and reusable shopping bags!

Crate Book Storage


Slice a standard craft store crate and half, add a few mounting brackets, and you have quick and easy bookshelves in your playroom or child’s bedroom!

Nursery Crate Caddy


I don’t like to play favorites, but this crate stand is simply genius. Utilizing shelving brackets from a home improvement store created a three tier storage solution that is perfect for any small nook.

Crate Blanket Storage

Lastly, here is a solution that can be used in just about any room in the home! Prop the crate up on a base, anything from a small table to a luggage rack will work well, to create a furniture style catch-all. Placed in a living room or guest room it works to corral extra linens, while in a bathroom this solution could act beautifully as daily toiletry storage. The options truly are endless, yet stylish at the same time.

How do you utilize crates around your home? Are you ready to head to the craft store to whip up some great crate storage?

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