
Friday, May 22, 2015

Home Ec: 6 Books to Inspire and Help with Decluttering By: Grace Bonney

Home Ec: 6 Books to Inspire and Help with Decluttering

Julia and I are having a yard sale in a few weeks and it’s been refreshing to continue to cut down on the things we own and focus on things that mean something to us or serve a highly functional purpose. Not only does it mean the visual clutter is at a minimum, but it also means that when we end our work days and sit down to relax, things around us feel simpler and easier to use. Everyone has a different method of cleaning up and finding their version of simplicity at home, but it was wonderful to watch how this book by Marie Kondo inspired people across the globe to do away with clutter and embrace a version of minimalism.

Whether you’re looking to minimize and pare down to essentials, or just organize and decorate your home in a way that makes you feel calm and relaxed, I thought today I would share a few books that will help walk you through the process of simplifying your life at home. This isn’t to make your home empty and devoid of character, but instead make room for your most cherished pieces and meaningful design decisions to shine. xo, grace


This post and the Home Ec section are brought to you by Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day. Visit the Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Home-Grown Inspiration section featuring 20 DIYs, including seven from Design*Sponge!

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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