
Friday, April 24, 2015

Portable laptop stand with fans By: vicniv

brada 4

Materials (IKEA):
BRADA – Laptop Support, black.
LANSA – Handle, stainless steel.

Other materials:

3 old desktop fans mounted with screws and connected to a single USB cable.
2 CDs with additional decoration glued Fix-all.
4 Ports USB Hub glued to the Laptop Support with Fix-all.

brada 1

brada 2

brada 3

Drill 2 holes for the screws to go through and attach the LANSA handle.

Using a hole saw drill 3 circles where you wish to position the fans. Screw on the fans with the right sized screws.

Made 2 additional circles if you wish to decorate them (as I did with CDs)

brada 5

Attach the USB hub to power the fans on the underside of the BRADA with glue.

brada 6

brada 7

brada 8

~ Vicniv

The post Portable laptop stand with fans appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From vicniv

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