
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Alea Toussaint Pattern Download: Day Three! By: Grace Bonney


I love when artists can make me look at the most everyday objects and see them in an entirely different way. All week artist Alea Toussaint has been sharing handmade patterns with us that she’s turned into desktop wallpapers you can download for your phone or computer, and today she’s back with another pattern inspired by tea. Dried rose petals, cloves, dandelions and lemongrass make up the ombré fade of this pattern and it makes me want to tear open my tea packages in the kitchen and make something beautiful. But if you’d prefer to drink your tea instead, you can download Alea’s pattern for today RIGHT HERE.

If you missed the last two days of patterns, click here for Monday’s and here for Tuesday’s!

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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