
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Rebecca Clark By: Grace Bonney

Rebecca Clark

Over the past ten years there are definite areas and niches of design that I feel over-saturated with and need to avoid for a while. There was a moment when pillows with digitally printed patterns were at every booth at ICFF and while I appreciate the idea of a trend, a part of me grew tired of it and needed to keep walking. There are however a few areas of art and design I will never tire of: ceramics and illustration. I could wander through potter’s studios every day and the same goes for illustrators. I love discovering all the intricate details of their work and what makes their style their own, especially when it makes me think about color and line-quality in a new way.

The artwork of Rebecca Clark falls into that category for me. Her wonderfully watery illustrations remind me of Los Angeles and swimming pools and all things sunny and calm. Though she’s based in New York, that colorful West Coast feel is what I’m most drawn to her in work- although her drawings of decidedly NYC dog parks tug at my heart strings, too. It’s about 6 degrees upstate today so I’m going to keep looking at Rebecca’s work this morning in hopes that it can transport me somewhere a little toastier this morning. Click here to check out more of Rebecca’s work online.

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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