
Monday, February 23, 2015

Laura Jones By: Grace Bonney

Laura Jones

This weekend we had 7 friends up to visit us in Ulster County and we managed to luck out and get two full days above 20 degrees outside. Yesterday even got up to 40 degrees, which might as well have been summer compared to the -7 degrees we’ve been waking up to. We jumped at the chance to get outside for a hike and I had a brief moment of remembering what this area is going to be like when spring finally makes it way back to town. Peeking out from under piles of snow and ice were tiny little branches and remnants of rose bushes that instantly made me excited for, and anxious to greet, spring weather and flowers.

Whenever I think of flowers, I think of some of my favorite artists who focus primarily on flowers for their work. One of my favorites is Laura Jones, an Australian painter based in Sydney who creates incredible large-scale paintings of flower arrangements and plants. On a cold day like today, this is just the sort of thing that keeps me going and feeling hopeful about those first few days of spring when plants and flowers start coming back to life. Click here to check out more of Laura’s work online.

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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