
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

#DSShapes By: Grace Bonney

DS Hashtag Challenge: #DSShapes

Over the holidays, I tried to take a break from constantly having my phone at hand. The 21st century temptation to photograph, document and share every beautiful or interesting moment that I came across was always there, but I found that the less I photographed, the more I noticed. Every beautiful old door, stained glass window and great menu design seemed like a great jumping-off point for some project, online or off. I wasn’t able to totally step away from my phone, because I did end up snapping a few moments from our holiday vacation. And when I went over those photos, I noticed how many of them were about catching great moments of “shapes in the wild.” Everywhere I looked there seemed to be some sort of geometric detailing popping up everywhere: In old windows, in the form of tiles on doorsteps, and even in the overlapping of tree branches in our yard. So for January’s #Hashtag Challenge, I’d love for you to share the shapes YOU see in everyday life. Maybe it’s a great wall mural, tiny rectangle-patterned cookies or a handprinted pattern — whatever it may be, share the shapes YOU see during your day and upload them to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter and hashtag them #DSShapes. We’ll choose our favorites and share them here next month! xo, grace

Images above, clockwise from top left: BostonaPollen, Denai_Jones, SandraNygard, Citron_Press_

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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