
Friday, November 7, 2014

Solid Stand for Super Speakers By: Wim

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Speaker stands with Ikea Adils in Black.

This was an autumn project. Simplicity of manufacturing was not the aim, spending some time to honour the new B&W 601 speakers was.

Design principles…

- It’s ok to use IKEA legs, but it should not be too visible in the end product.

- Support for the speakers in the same size as the speaker

- Support on the floor slightly taller for stability

- Two layers of wood for each support so that all screws etc. can be hidden

Materials used:

- 4 x IKEA Adils black

- 8 pieces of wood

- screws, bolts, washers

- primer

- black gloss

- tons of green tea

Steps in the process:

- Cut the wood to size and pair the pieces

A. Floor parts:

- Mark the place for the disks that hold the legs

- drill the holes for the bolts in one piece and then drill the holes for the legs in the other piece

- countersink the disks and fix them to the wood

- countersink space for the screws in the opposing part

- glue the pieces

B. Speaker parts:

- drill the holes for the bolts in one piece and then drill the holes for the legs in the other piece

- glue the pieces

C. Painting

- Sand the pieces; put a coat of primer and sand again

- Put two coats of gloss whilst sanding in between

- Put a coat of varnish

D. Assembling and finishing

- Screw the legs in the bottoms

- Fix the bolts in the top

- Drill holes to run the wires

- Put grommets in the drilled holes to protect the wires

- Put spikes or felt under the floor parts

E. Find the ideal place to put the speaker stands

F. Enjoy the music with a cup of tea

Pictures explain a bit more

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via IKEA Hackers From Wim

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