
Monday, November 10, 2014

A One ‘Of A Kind’ Home in Brooklyn By: Grace Bonney


It’s easy to become numb to how deeply personal it can be to share one’s home online. After publishing thousands of home tours on Design*Sponge, I often have to take a moment to pause when a particular home tour touches me in a way that makes me feel like I’ve gotten to know someone, or their work, better by being invited into their home through photographs. I felt that way today while looking through these photographs of Claire Mazur and Chris Roan’s home in the DUMBO neighborhood of Brooklyn. Claire is the co-founder of Of a Kind (along with Erica Cerulo) and she shares this bright and airy apartment with her husband Chris, who is the Director of Venture at Mother New York, an advertising firm. I’ve know Claire for years now and respect her work and her work ethic immensely. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know her via multiple radio interviews, but there’s something about peeking inside someone’s home that lets you know them in a totally different way.

I was blown away by how much family history lives in the furniture, artwork and details of Claire and Chris’s home. They live in the sort of space that I constantly strive to create – a home where every object tells a story and has a special meaning to the people living inside.

From artwork made by Claire’s late grandmother Shirley to Chris’s father’s Purple Heart, every shelf and tabletop is filled with something of great meaning to the couple. In addition to their older family pieces, Chris and Claire have also incorporated beautiful contemporary pieces by their friends and artists and designers they’ve met through their respective companies. For me, a house always feels like a home when people fill it with personal pieces that come with stories and history, so this is truly a beautiful home to me. Thank you so much to Claire and Chris for sharing their space with us. xo, grace

Photographs by Maxwell Tielman and Carly Piersol and Jamie Beck of Anne Street Studio


Images above: Claire and Chris walked by their current apartment building after a disappointing open house appointment in the area. They walked up to see this space on a whim and knew immediately that this was the apartment for them. Originally built in 1893 as the Hanon & Son shoe factory, the building has stunning views, tall windows and so much light that the they immediately knew it would be home. Two and a half years later they have created a space that feels like home to them in a building full of rich design history. In their living room (above) Claire explained that their home’s coffee table was, “one of those magical eBay finds for a hundred bucks. It just goes so perfectly with the rest of our furniture that it was a total no-brainer.” The pink and white throw pillow is by Unison Home, a small line Claire discovered through DailyCandy (RIP) when she was in college. It was one of the first lines that turned her on to the thrill of discovering and supporting emerging artists.


Image above: These watercolors were painted by Claire’s grandma Shirley. Claire explained, “She was a very inspirational woman full of so much energy and positivity and charm. She was also a really talented and prolific painter and her bright watercolors perfectly embody her personality. She died last year and her artwork has turned out to be a really amazing way to maintain her presence in our lives— we actually used them on our wedding invites and programs.”


Image above: Claire’s parents collected matchbooks when she was growing up and when she moved out of their home she started doing the same thing without even realizing it. “My dad, a man of many many talents, made the wooden bowl they sit in,” explained Claire.


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Click through for the full home tour after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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