
Monday, October 27, 2014

Painting Guide: Easy to follow tip on how to paint veneer finish By: Jules IKEAHacker

Painting is one of the easiest (and cheapest) way to change the look of an IKEA furniture. But how do you do it? While the hacker pros among us are quite adept with this basic DIY skill, there are IKEAhacking newbies out there who may need a little guidance, as evidenced by the questions I get on how to paint. IH readers have been very generous in sharing the information and here are previous entries that may be helpful:

As for veneer, the thin decorative wood layer which covers many IKEA items such as the BILLY, EXPEDIT, GALANT, MALM, Bob from Fortune Restoration has volunteered an article on the correct preparation and painting tips for veneer. Follow the steps and you should turn up alright at the end.

~ Jules


Painting Guide: Easy to follow tip on how to paint veneer finish

Taking care of veneer is more difficult than installing it in the first place. Veneer can get really messy if you don’t have the correct idea of how to take care of it. Painting veneer is a good choice to make it look appealing, but the finish may not come out as desired if the surface isn’t prepared properly. Let’s then take a look at how to paint veneer to perfection.

Veneer can be really fragile, it can break easily and can build up with grim. Maintaining it can be a task, therefore it becomes mandatory to see that veneer surface is perfectly treated, cleaned and prepared before it is painted. Fortunately, preparing veneer is easy, it just requires repairing, sanding and a few coats of primer.

Before getting into painting the veneer surface, let’s take you through the process of preparing veneer for painting.

Things you’ll require:


Wood glue

Warm water

Liquid dish soap





Paint (use oil-based paint or latex, do not mix oil paints with water, such pain doesn’t stick to the surface for long)

Paint brushes/roller

Repairing any cracks and damage, and cleaning it well

It’s easy to say – cracked veneer cannot be fixed. But all problems with veneer need to be fixed before painting. Small damages can be secured with wood glue, while cracked area can be replaced with new piece of veneer. After all the gluing, clean the surface with warm water to remove dust, grim and grease on the surface. If plain water doesn’t provide desirable results, you can use a few drops of dish soap in water. Do ensure that the crack and little damages you had repaired do not peel off. If you sense a problem, halt your cleaning process and fix the damage on priority.



Sanding and Primer

If the veneer surface is in good condition, you can simple sand a little, prime it and paint, like you would on any other piece of furniture. However, if the veneer is chipped and damaged carry out the process above before sanding.

ANEBODA chest – particleboard painted over

If the surface is not sanded, or isn’t sanded enough the paint will form bubbles or patches. Thus, after cleaning, lightly sand the veneer surface when it has completely dry. Sand it thorough to make the surface entirely even. Do not rub too hard. After sanding, remove all the dust on the surface to be painted using a dry cloth. Now, apply at least two coats of primer, allow the surface to dry between coats and after the two coats.

Applying paint and varnish

After repairing, sanding and priming, it’s now finally time to paint. Use a roller for the flat surface, and a brush for the edges and corners. There are veneer surfaces that may require more than a single coat of paint, make sure you do not stop at one and allow the surface ample time to dry before it is reused. If you do not let the surface dry properly you would risk spoiling the paint or the paint would begin to peel off. After paint, apply a few coats of varnish to the painted surface, it is important if you plan to use the surface frequently.

Distressed BILLY mudroom, painted over birch veneer

Painting veneer isn’t difficult but it can be more time consuming than painting wood. The key to perfect veneer painting rests in the preparation. If you do not prepare veneer surface properly before painting, the paint wouldn’t stick as desired and it will peel off very quickly, so just keep a check.

About Author

Bob Fortune is a professional writer & worked as a Customer Service at Fortune Restoration. Fortune Restoration is one of the best companies in Chicago for providing Services like Painting, Restoration services for residential homeowners from Hyde Park to Lincoln Park. Connect Fortune Restoration at Twitter, Facebook & Pinterest.

via IKEA Hackers From Jules IKEAHacker

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