
Friday, October 3, 2014

Bamboo Dragan Box meets Raspberry PI! Sounds good! By: Peter


Materials: Dragan Bamboo Box

I was looking for something for my bathroom to play music when I have my shower. One item I have in the bathroom is the DRAGAN Bamboo Box from IKEA. When I was hacking my Raspberry Pi I got that idea!

Take the Dragan box, a Raspberry, an Speaker and some other electronic stuff and some more wood. That are the things I needed. I soldered the electronic components, sawed the wood to build the inlay for the Music Box and finally I was programming the Raspberry PI to receive music from my iPhone….

The result you can see on the images.

06.zweiterVersuch 08.Heck 07.Seitenansicht

See more details and the configuration of the Raspberry Pi.

Other Raspberry Pi hacks:

via IKEA Hackers From Peter

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