
Monday, September 8, 2014

Real Genevieve By: Grace Bonney


When I sat down to write Design*Sponge at Home , I knew a great deal of space would be dedicated to Genevieve Gorder. It was her spirit, creativity and can-do DIY attitude on Trading Spaces that made me fall in love with design. I didn’t even know design was a thing until I saw her work on TV. She made me look at interiors as a creative project- and process- that didn’t need to be stuffy, fancy or take forever. I fell in love with her approach to design and jumped head first into design from that point forward, devouring every book, show and magazine I could that dealt with interiors. 13 years have past since the first airing of Trading Spaces, but Genevieve continues to be at the forefront of creative design and I’m so thrilled to be a part of her latest project, Real Genevieve, that is launching online today!

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Real Genevieve is a design and lifestyle magazine app for the ‘creatively inclined and those who just want to live more beautifully’. The first issue online includes a peek at my bedside table (above) and a beautiful story from Ashley English, a D*S alum and author of some of my favorite books around. Genevieve is working with a fantastic team of women to produce the magazine, including our friend Sara Jensen, and they already have so much great content ready to go live. So if you’re looking for some more design inspiration, click here to check out the app. You can download it for free at the iTunes store, just search for ‘Real Genevieve’. xo, grace

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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