
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

10 Quotable Biz Ladies To Keep You Motivated By: Stephanie


As we enter the last quarter of the year, it can be so easy to take a backseat to your business and just let it coast into the new year…or maybe that’s just me. I’ve often found that the last three months of the year prove to be the most trying for keeping on a steady business track, with all of the holidays and events that come with this season. So if there is anything I can do to keep me moving forward, I cling to it like the last Thanksgiving biscuit!

I thought it might be helpful and inspiring to collect 10 more inspiring quotes from our incredible and eclectic group of Biz Ladies profile contributors. They’ve been so generous with their thoughts, advice and even failures for us to learn from, and they’ve shared more than a few nuggets of wisdom as well. Here’s to keeping the momentum going through the winter! -Stephanie

Click through for all 10 quotations after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Stephanie

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