
Monday, August 11, 2014

A Day In The Life of Vanessa Knight of Able Ground By: Grace Bonney


Vanessa Knight of Able Ground is one of the many artists I discovered through Instagram. Her photos of stunning crystals and minerals caught my eye and inspired me to dig a little deeper into her archives, only to discover that she is incredibly skilled with textiles. Vanessa creates beautiful tapestries with felted detailing that combine my love of texture with an overall obsession with all things geometric. I was curious to see what a day in her life was like, and I was thrilled to find out it was full of creative inspiration. One of my favorite things about Vanessa’s day-to-day life is that she challenges herself to take a beautiful photograph on her windowsill every morning using something around the house. I love the idea of a daily creative challenge, it gets the day started on the right foot and keeps your creative mind fresh and on its toes. Thanks so much to Vanessa for sharing her day with us! xo, grace

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Click through for the full post after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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