
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

5 Wine Bottle DIYs By: Amy Azzarito


I don’t know about you, but I always feel a little twinge of guilt when a wine bottle ends up in the recycling bin. It just seems like I should be finding a way to reuse such a functional object. And now that’s we’re fully into rosé season, I have a few more bottles than usual. Here are some of my favorite projects that use wine bottles as the core material. A few of these projects suggest a wine bottle cutting kit like this one (see Make’s How-to Video here) and if you decide to invest, you can turn all your bottles into something new for your home. Now, that my guilt is assuaged, I’ll take another glass of rosé! -Amy

Image above: Turn your wine bottles into spectacular outdoor lighting. See our Wine Bottle Torch project here.


Image above: Bring the same technique for the wine bottle torch inside for a easy wall vase. See the full project details here.


Image above: All you need is a glass cutting kit to turn your wine bottles into candle holders. See the full project instructions here. (And you can use the other half for a vase like this!)

winebottlemain Orginal-Chandelier-Made-From-Wine-Bottles_4x3_lg

See more wine bottle projects after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Amy Azzarito

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