
Monday, July 14, 2014

10 Creative Instagram Accounts to Follow By: Grace Bonney


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the internet, it’s that every new platform provides a brand new chance to discover amazing artists. These days Instagram seems to be an endless well of ideas and inspiration, ranging from incredible photographers and florists to artists and makers. As much as I love searching for great accounts based on a single theme like chefs or illustrators, I love discovering people whose talent crosses a wide range of materials and niches. So today I wanted to share 10 accounts that I love for their creativity. Whether they’re turning fallen petals and leaves into intricate patterns or experimenting with droplets of watercolor paint, these people find a way to turn a tiny square photo frame into a world of possibility. I hope you’ll find them as inspiring as they’ve been for me. xo, grace

*You can follow DS on Instagram right here and check out our current hashtag challenge right here.

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Click through for all 10 accounts after the jump


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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