
Monday, May 12, 2014

A Day In The Life of Maura Ambrose of Folk Fibers By: Grace Bonney

Photo of Maura Ambrose by Josh Goleman

Maura Ambrose was something of a legend to me long before I became familiar with her work. To my friends from the Savannah College of Art and Design, she was one of the most promising graduates they’d ever seen. Talk of her beautiful work in SCAD’s Fibers department was spreading and just about every writer and artist I knew living in the South was recommending I check out her work. And boy am I glad I did. Maura is truly committed to her craft from start to finish. From growing her own cotton and dyeing fibers at home with natural materials to hand-quilting each design and including handwritten letters about each quilt’s origin with orders, Maura is truly the sort of artist I not only admire and appreciate, but feel honored to be able to write about here.

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Maura and her husband Chapman were driving home from a cross-country VW Bus trip when she decided to pursue quilt-making full time. She knew it was what made her truly happy and through serious hard work, dedication and the sort of creative vision that has now inspired other younger artists to rediscover quilting, Maura created a business, Folk Fibers, that has earned a devoted following. I’ve always wanted to peek inside Maura’s day-to-day life and see what her work process was like, so I was thrilled when she agreed to join us for A Day In The Life post. Maura and Chapman have a baby due soon, so I truly appreciate them opening their home and life to us at such a busy time. I hope you’ll enjoy be as inspired by a peek inside Maura’s life as I am. xo, grace

Photo above by Josh Goleman

Click through for the full post after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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