
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sawyer DeVuyst’s 10 Favorite Things By: Grace Bonney

Sometimes the little details in a space are what stand out the most. Back in 2012 when Amy and I visited the Wythe Hotel in Brooklyn, we both fell in love with the little green bedside tables in each room. Short, sweet and shiny – they were the perfect accent pieces for modern minimal rooms. Even a few weeks after our visit, those tables were still my favorite pieces. So when I heard from the designer, Sawyer DeVuyst of SAW, after the post, I was thrilled to finally put a name and face to such beautiful work. Sawyer has gone on to create more fantastic pieces for the Wythe, in addition to other furniture designs with the same minimal (but still colorful) spirit. I love peeking behind the studio door to learn more about the people behind my favorite work, so I was ecstatic when Sawyer agreed to share 10 of his favorite things with us here on the site today. From great books to funny vintage hippos, it’s great to see Sawyer’s personal style behind his popular furniture. Thanks so much to Sawyer for sharing! xo, grace

Music: “Springish” by Gillicuddy

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Click through for the full post after the jump!


via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

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