
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Thrown out your CDs? Here’s something to do with your BENNOs By: Carola


We wanted a sturdy bed that matched the beech-coloured Billy shelves in our bedroom.

So we got hold of 6 secondhand BENNO CD-shelves. We dismantled one of the shelves and cut the side sections down to match the width of our mattress (160cm).

Foto-3 Foto-4Foto-2

Then we put two BENNOs face down on the floor and built a frame by joining the two side sections onto the tops and bottoms of the two shelves with brackets from the hardware store. Then we laid three more shelves inside this frame at equal distances. We found we didn’t need to attach them at all. Finally, we bought two sets of SULTAN LADE slats and laid these on top. Again, we found we didn’t even need to screw them in place as they don’t slide around. Then we put our mattress on top. Finished!

via IKEA Hackers From Carola

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