
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

SNAP! Conference 2014 - You won't want to miss this! From House of Smiths

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger House of Smiths Be sure to check out their blog! Guys, I JUST realized how FAST the SNAP! conference is approaching, and I'm totally butterflies-in-my-stomach-excited about it!!!

SNAP! 2012 was awesome of course, because it was the first year that this dream conference, full of creative people and bloggers actually came together for Tauni and the team of us who had always dreamt of how great something like this could really be.

2013 was even MORE AMAZING, because we had tons of experience from the year before under our belts.

We were less worried about whether or not people would want to even show up, and so much more stoked about all the fun memories we KNEW we had to look forward to, as we were building each class, party and event for our attendees and sponsors!


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