
Friday, August 2, 2013

Space saver bed By: Jules Yap

Materials: Stolmen chests and Lack tables

Description: Living in a small one bedroom apartment, We needed a solution to put all our clothes in a single space so we could eliminate a chest of drawers that took up a third of that bedroom.

The solution was a captain bed but looking around everything we found was way over our budget so we decided to hack one.

We bought 3 Stolmen chests of 1.10 cm * .50 cm and 2 Stolmen chests of .55 *.50 cm

Then we added a Lack coffee table of .55 * .90 cm and a Lack end table of .55*.55 cm.

All of these pieces have the same height so no problem there. We assembled everything and used lots of screws and metal brackets to keep it sturdy. Then we bought some white plywood and made shelves to cover the top and front and

Voila,, our captain bed for a third of the price! We've been sleeping in it for over 6 months and it hasn't moved an inch!! And to top it all off in the space between the 2 chests our baby folding bed fits perfectly for when the grandchildren sleep over!!!

~ Maria, France

via IKEA Hackers From Jules Yap

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