
Friday, August 16, 2013

Comfy Marius By: Jules Yap

Materials: Marius Stool, Cilla Chair Pad, GOOP glue, fabric, fabric glue, yarn, needle and thread

Description: I purchased a CILLA Chair pad and a MARIUS Stool (both in black) at IKEA. I then used scraps of materials left over from other projects.

Prior to putting together the Marius Stool, I attached a Cilla Chair Pad to the top using GOOP glue.

I then covered the top with a scrap of fabric. I cut slits (like button holes) near the 4 corners of the fabric to fit tightly over the screw holes in the stool - this helped hold the fabric in place. I then used GOOP to glue the corners of the fabric down to the underside of the seat and let that dry.

Using needle and thread, I sewed the excess fabric together so that it could not move anymore. Using fabric glue, I continued this (messy and unattractive) attaching.

I am assuming no one will see the underside of my stool - but if you're concerned, you could easily cut a circle of fabric and fabric glue it over all of this mess.

I then put the Marius Stool together as per the IKEA directions.

After that, I finger-knit some yarn. I used about 1/2 a skein and finger-knit it 3-times over to make it the right thickness. This YouTube video was helpful when I first learned to do this.

I just followed this procedure using first a single piece of yarn, then repeated it using the knitted chain, and then did it a third time using that double-knitted chain.

I used fabric glue to put the yarn around the edge of the stool to make it look more finished.

I plan to make a set using different fabrics and different yarns as spare seating.

~ Liz, Brooklyn, NY

via IKEA Hackers From Jules Yap

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