
Sunday, December 23, 2012


For a chance to win our other gifts


The winner of the 10TH Gift in our Giveaway from J.N. Taylor & Co. is Kimberly Thompson Alwine!

We're giving you a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE for Organizing Services!!!!

Would you like to:

~Stop buying replacements for things you own but can't find?
~Have space to work on your kitchen counter top?
~Have room to park your car in your garage?
~Stop paying late charges on bills that get misplaced?
~No longer have "scary closets" or "scary rooms"?
~Stop fighting with your spouse or partner about the clutter?
~Find the buried treasures?

Or maybe you are already pretty organized, but:
~There's still a problem area that just doesn't work — a dysfunctional closet, for example.
~You have the nagging feeling you could use your space better.

We can help you develop and implement an organizing scheme that will work for your particular personality and needs. Together, we can eliminate the clutter and keep it from coming back!


This gift comes from us here at 

J.N. Taylor & Co.!

For more ideas and items like these, contact us:


In case you haven't heard:
J.N. Taylor & Co. is hosting 12 Days Of Christmas for you to win Incredible Prizes!

To enter or for more info about our prizes and the contest:
(enter daily for more chances to win!)    

(Multiple entries = More Points!)

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