
Saturday, July 25, 2015

16 things I like about the new IKEA Catalog 2016 By: Jules IKEAHacker

IKEA Catalog 2016 Top 16 picks | IKEA Hackers

The arrival of the new IKEA catalog is always an event, on IKEA Hackers at least. So when the online version went up, I browsed and bookmarked my favourites, way past bed time. This issue is especially fun with “moving” pictures – steam wafting up, water trickling down … woohoo! There are still loads of little details to pore over – videos to play and extra bonuses to unlock – so this is my first impression of the IKEA Catalog 2016 and the stuff that caught my eye.

The 2016 catalog is all about food and and celebrates how food – and all the activity around it – brings people together. (Last year was the bedroom and bathroom.) In line with the food & cooking theme, the catalog opens with gorgeous spreads of kitchens. The one below with the gold stripped backsplash is definitely attention grabbing. The kitchens also showcase the versatility of the new SEKTION/ METOD system.

IKEA Catalog 2016 kitchen set

I’ll start from the kitchen and dining sections and work my way through the catalog. Let’s take a look. Here are my top 16 picks from the IKEA Catalog 2016.

#1 LISABO dining table  

The new IKEA LISABO dining table

Besides its curvy profile, the solid birch LISABO has an interesting back story. It all started with a funny looking dowel. A wedge dowel that completely changes how an IKEA table is assembled. It promises to cut down assembly time by up to 80%. That alone is worth celebrating!

Click to see the other 15 picks!

The post 16 things I like about the new IKEA Catalog 2016 appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From Jules IKEAHacker

Friday, July 24, 2015

How We Battled an Allergic Reaction to Mosquito Bites From (House of Smiths)

Today's Inspiration comes from guest blogger (House of Smiths) Be sure to check out their blog!
Oh Jocey girl. Who is she in a nutshell?
She's our independent, loving, sassy, helpful, determined, creative, passionate twin B.
And if I could show you one picture that sums her up... well, the below would be it.

Every year we head to the DI (our local thrift store) and pick out every semi-decent $5-$10 women's dress that we can find, for our big ol' dress up box.
Yes, sometimes they are gaudy, tacky, ridiculous and even funny... but my twins LOVE them, and it's basically impossible to find any dress up clothes that fit my twins' almost 5 foot tall frame. And yup, my two 9 year olds and 7 year old are still OBSESSED with playing dress up - and I love it so much :) I mean, isn't life just one big fashion show, where you dress up each day to feel good about yourself!? Well, that's how I feel anyway.
Like I mentioned before, my strong-willed, passionate little chick is totally determined to dress, look and act like a "business lady" who looks fancy and knows ALL the things, ALL the time. HA!
Don't know where she gets that from. lol

Another thing about Jocey, is her awesomely awful ability to attract almost every mosquito wherever she is, and then blow up like the human Michelin Man after she's bitten.
And before you ask, yes, we are usually very good about putting bug spray or Terashield Oil on her before she goes anywhere where she could get easily bit. Buuuut, I'm a Mom who forgets things, and she's a kid who doesn't care... so sometimes it doesn't happen like it should.

Behind the Scenes of Book #2 + Best of the Web By: Grace Bonney

In less than a month, we are almost halfway done with the photographs for the next Design*Sponge book and I couldn’t be happier about the way they’re turning out — or the process of meeting these amazing women in person. Working alongside Sasha Israel on the east coast has been a total dream and the even bigger dream has been having a team that’s so hardworking and helpful that I’ve been able to take a brief pause from writing to travel for these shoots and be present for this amazing process. It’s rare that my mind isn’t already “on to the next one” during any given moment, so to be able to step away from my laptop to plan, enjoy and live in these photoshoot moments has been monumental. These are memories I will hold on to for the rest of my life and I cannot wait to share them with you in book form next Fall! In the meantime, I wanted to share a few behind the scenes peeks at this week’s shoots, from San Diego to NYC. xo, grace

Images above: office dogs from some of this week’s shoots, a mirror selfie moment with Hana, and Caroline photographing Jasmine Wright in California.

Sasha out on a tiny NYC balcony in 90 degree weather, getting the best shot.



, Contemporary Blue & White China (with fox and rabbit details!)

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

In the Kitchen With: Diana Leahy’s Rosewater Pancakes By: Annie Werbler

Breakfast is the most important meal of any day. Kicking off the morning with good nutrition can enhance the way you look and feel and give you the right energy to start your day on the right foot. Diana Leahy knows this better than anyone; as a home cook with food sensitivities and founder of the all-encompassing wedding consultancy Freeheart Project, she can attest to the many mental and physical benefits of a natural diet. Whether you’re following the autoimmune protocol like she is, eating paleo, raw, gluten- or sugar-free, Leahy’s rosewater pancakes are full of real ingredients that will support your biggest and smallest activities alike. —Annie

Why Diana loves this recipe: These pancakes are free of processed sweeteners and dairy- and are also super easy to whip up! I’m all about natural, toxin-free living and spend a large portion of my life in the kitchen cooking up farmers’ market finds or homemade concoctions such as deodorant, toothpaste, face oils, and laundry detergent. These pancakes are filled with ingredients that will keep you energized, radiant, and grounded for the day’s journey. They’re full of healthy fats, loaded with fiber, rich in essential vitamins (A, C, D, E and B3), and brimming with antioxidants.

*This recipe is part of our healthy summer series, focusing on recipes that are good looking and good for you!

Diana Leahy's Rosewater Pancakes, on Design*Sponge

Photography by Diana Leahy, except where noted

Radiant Rosewater Pancakes
Serves 2

Pancake ingredients
– 2 ripe bananas
– 2 tbsp coconut flour
– 4 tbsp finely shredded unsweetened coconut
– 1/4 tsp cardamom (substitute cinnamon to make it AIP-friendly)
– 1/4 tsp real or Himalayan salt
– 1 tsp rosewater (preferably Heritage brand or homemade)
– 1 tsp vanilla extract
– virgin coconut oil for frying

– pure maple syrup or raw honey
– raw shelled hemp seeds
– raw or soaked and dehydrated pumpkin seeds
– toasted coconut flakes
– dried rose petals
– fresh berries of your choice

In the Kitchen With: Diana Leahy's Rosewater Pancakes, on Design*Sponge

For pancakes:

1. Lightly heat enough coconut oil to cover the bottom of a large a cast iron pan, griddle, or nonstick skillet.

2. In a medium-sized bowl, mash the banana with a fork until it’s soft and a bit runny. Stir in the coconut flour and shredded coconut to form a soft, thick dough. Since bananas vary in size, you may need to add more coconut flour until the mixture reaches the consistency of cookie dough.

3. Add the cardamom, salt, rosewater, and vanilla to the dough, and mix until fully incorporated, either in a blender or by hand.

4. Using about 2 tablespoons of dough per pancake, form 4 individual patties with your hands. Place patties in the pan with a turner, and press down with a spoon or spatula to flatten to approximately ¼ inch thickness. Fry for approximately 5 minutes on medium-high heat until the bottoms are golden brown, then flip and fry for another 5 minutes. Transfer to plates and add toppings.

To assemble:

Customize the toppings according to your tastes, dietary restrictions, and availability. I started off with thinly-sliced strawberries because they’re currently in season. Then I sprinkled the pancakes with mineral and protein-rich pumpkin and hemp seeds. And to boost the rose power, I added dried rose petals. Finally, I poured on the maple syrup (raw honey would work well, too). For those of you following the autoimmune protocol, remove the pumpkin and hemp seeds, and add a protein side of your choice such as pastured bacon or wild-caught smoked salmon.  Serve immediately while pancakes are still hot.

In the Kitchen With: Diana Leahy's Rosewater Wedding Day Pancakes, on Design*Sponge

About Diana: Diana Leahy is the founder of Freeheart Project, a one-stop bridal shop based in Brooklyn that aspires to make weddings cool, attainable, and personalized. Diana launched Freeheart in December 2014 after finding the wedding world boring and out of touch while planning her own nuptials. She was looking for a store with an authentic and fashion-forward vibe offering a selection of wedding apparel for the woman with a strong sense of personal style. Freeheart offers wedding services that include planning, mystic readings, floral design, makeup artistry, and more.

In the Kitchen With: Diana Leahy's Rosewater Pancakes, on Design*Sponge

Photo by Hatnim Lee

via Design*Sponge From Annie Werbler

Brompton in an IKEA bag By: dany lobe

Brompton in an IKEA bag | IKEA Hackers

Did you know the Brompton foldable bike fits perfectly into a DIMPA storage bag?

Bike, fold, bag and carry it!

While you are here, check out these bike stands:
2 bikes on a Stolmen pole
FROSTA stool turned bike stand
The £3 bike stand

The post Brompton in an IKEA bag appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From dany lobe

Taking Control of Change in Life and at Work By: Grace Bonney

molly jacques cs lewis
Over the past few weeks, I’ve felt more excited, awake and like myself than I have in a long time. Mainly because I’m working on a project that means so much to me and feels so timely and important. While I’m normally a major homebody and highly affected by stressful schedules with a lot of travel, all of my back and forth (via train, plane and bus) for our book’s photo shoots has made me feel alive.

Moments like this call attention to all the times you realize you aren’t feeling that way. And having this recent moment of energy and focus has helped me pay better attention to what I need to work harder on to change at home and at work.

I realized that this book project only happened because I recognized a moment where I was unhappy and needed to make a change. I wasn’t inspired or moved by our old book topic and, with some major help from Julia, sat down to create a new proposal that captured what I was truly passionate about right now. That moment of inspiration and honesty lead to the excitement I’m feeling now and reminded me that I needed to do this everywhere in my life.

So last week, I sat down and looked at the parts of my day and life that aren’t working that way I’d like them to. I took a good, hard look at what was making me happy — and what was bringing me down — and decided to take the first step toward changing all of them into something new. The first big step was a difficult one, but after a year of being unhappy in my own body, I joined Weight Watchers.

Image above by Molly Jacques Illustration

Like a lot of people, I define myself in my head by a lot of different factors. What I do, who I spend my life with, how I behave and, how I look. Growing up I dealt with a pretty significant eating disorder that dominated most of my inner dialogue until well after college. I don’t think you ever fully “beat” an eating disorder, but I worked really hard to understand those parts of myself and feel much more healed than I ever have. So much so that without realizing it, I learned to let myself be so happy and so comfortable (which is not a bad thing) that I gained 5, 10, 15 and almost 20 pounds when we moved upstate.

Let me say first that there’s not a single thing wrong with gaining weight if you’re happy and healthy. To have enough food that you’re able to gain weight is a luxury. Not everyone has access to adequate food and water so I recognize my personal health challenge is one of privilege and not necessity. There are much bigger problems in the world than weight, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin affects everything in your day, from how you interact with others to how you work and carry yourself in the world.

I spent the last year waiting for my body to suddenly turn back into the body I’d always known and recognized, but it just wasn’t happening on its own. I moped about it privately and then finally heard myself complaining and something kicked in. No one was responsible for making me happy at work and no one was responsible for making me feel happy in my own skin.

Just like with the book, asking for what I wanted was only the first step. I felt embarrassed and uncomfortable talking about my weight openly (I always feel more comfortable discussing work/mental struggles more openly than physical ones), but the second I did, things felt a lot less scary.

You know that expression about “keeping your head in the sand” like an ostrich? I used to be like that with a lot of things. I was like that about money, happiness and health (all the big areas of life). I just hoped that if I kept my head down and kept working, they’d all solve themselves. But they didn’t.

So in the last month I’ve started really LOOKING at all the things I’m scared of. The biggest one was feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. So joining a program that reminds me that I can have a healthy relationship with taking control of what I eat is helpful. I’d only known unhealthy ways of controlling food and in just this the first week I’ve realized that, in the same way I check in with our team on a regular basis, I need to check in with myself and how I feel about my health, too. Sticking my head in the sand and hoping for things to always stay the same just wasn’t going to happen anymore.

I’m not suddenly my ideal healthy weight or 100% happy with my body, but I’m getting there.

This little change in mindset (that I have to be the one to bring change to my life to move forward) reminds me every day to be open, ask for what I really want and then follow through. I stumble a lot, especially when it comes to the follow through, but taking those steps has been a valuable lesson. I don’t have to be perfect and nail it on the first try, but asking and walking forward is a good start on its own.

I’m curious to hear what some of you may be scared to ask for or work on right now? Does anyone else out there struggle with that feeling of sticking their head in the sand (why do we do that?)? I want to spend more of my life above ground and feeling aware and in control and I’d love to hear how all of you are doing that, too. I know all of us have stories that would be helpful for others to hear and learn from. xo, grace

*This post is not sponsored by Weight Watchers. I mentioned the brand name here because I’ve found this particular program helpful so far.

via Design*Sponge From Grace Bonney

IKEA STUVA bench: 1 item, 3 ways! By: Jules IKEAHacker

Lately I’ve been eyeing the IKEA STUVA range a fair bit. I have a spot in my bathroom which seems perfect for the STUVA bench. I want it as a bench but with an overhead rail for towels. So I am brewing a hack …

IKEA STUVA storage bench


Originally, the STUVA range was made for kids … but trust us hackers to not leave a good thing alone. In my research for ideas on the STUVA, I’ve seen it morphed into quite a few incarnations. Here are 3 to get your creative juices flowing.

I present to you:

IKEA STUVA bench 3 ways!

IKEA STUVA Bench 3 Ways | IKEA Hackers

1. Mudroom bench and storage

STUVA mudroom bench | IKEA Hackers

The STUVA bench is used as the main portion for storing shoes and a place to sit and put them on. A board & batten is added behind the bench to hold coats, bags and scarfs. It’s super compact and super cute. Great if your landing space isn’t all that big. See the complete tutorial.

2. Roomy litter box for 4 kitties

STUVA cat litter for 4 kitties | IKEA Hackers

This is taking it into totally different territory than what IKEA intended. The STUVA is not just wonderful for kids, it is also great for kitties. It’s drawer is big enough for 2 TROFAST storage boxes, which can hold 4 cats’ poop! All you need to do is cut a rectangular hole in the front panel and of course, clean up after the 4 cats. Read more here.

3. Kids play table


I spotted this at Mommo Design, credited to (though I could not find the original post on the site). I love how multi-functional it is. It’s a bench, it’s a desk, it’s storage, it’s a cubby hole for hide and seek. I would have wanted one, if it came in grown up sizes. Wait! It does! Kudos (via Mommo Design).

Do you like the STUVA range? If so, what do you like about it? Leave a comment below and let me know.

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IKEA STUVA Bench 3 Ways | IKEA Hackers

The post IKEA STUVA bench: 1 item, 3 ways! appeared first on IKEA Hackers.

via IKEA Hackers From Jules IKEAHacker